Sujets de société, questions sur la place de l’enfant dans notre société, annonce des conférenciers et des débats en avant-première… découvrez toute l’actualité du Forum Européen de Bioéthique qui se tiendra à Strasbourg du 7 au 10 février 2024.
Bachelor of Science – 2015-2019
I completed my undergraduate in the University of Galway, graduating in 2019 with a major in Zoology and a minor in Microbiology. Throughout my four years I had many opportunities to explore and engage with a range of scientific topics, including plant biology, genetics, anatomy, immunology, conservation, and herpetology. It was during this time I found a passion for herpetology, and under the guidance of Dr. Michel Dugon I gained experience working with a variety of exotic animals from a Burmese Python and a Basilisk to Giant Millipedes and Tarantulas. My work with these animals brought about my final year thesis: ‘Soothing Scales and Scutes: Investigating the potential of the Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius and the Horsfield Tortoise Agrionemys horsfieldii as therapy animals ‘, and opened up opportunities to engage with science education, through teaching 1st-3rd year Zoology labs, organising and running outreach classes and establishing a Zoology education student society.
Instructor for Centre for Talented Youth Ireland – 2019 – Present
In September of 2019 I took on my first instructor position with the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland, leading the Zoology autumn course for 8 to 12 years old. Since then I have taught almost 1000 classes in topics such as, zoology, microbiology, genetics, physiology, biotechnology, nanoscience and geography. Most notably, I have held instructor positions on their Early University Entrance Biology course, and their Early Research and Project Network. The Centre for Talented Youth Ireland (CTYI) provides enrichment courses for highly abled students, from the ages of 6 years to 17 years old.
Professional Master of Education – 2021-2023
I began the Professional Master of Education in Post Primary Science education with Hibernia college in 2021. This two-year degree provided education on teaching practice and methodologies, classroom management, educational psychology and sociology and opportunities for professional practice through placements. Combining my classroom experiences from my time with CTYI and those gained throughout placement, I focused my Masters thesis on exploring teacher experiences accommodating highly abled students in post primary classrooms, with the aims of identifying effective teaching practices and barriers to their inclusion.
PhD in Gifted Education – 2023 – Present
An opportunity to undertake a PhD in gifted education arose, and since October 2023 I have been working on obtaining my doctorate degree. Under the supervision of Dr. Leeanne Hinch and Professor Joe O’Hara, we aim to identify the best teaching practices to accommodate highly abled students in post-primary science classrooms, with the goal of developing teacher training courses and resources to assist with this.